Thursday, November 21, 2013

An M/V Review: Missing You, By 2NE1

Greetings to you.

I will be honest with you.  When I started listening to Kpop, I was very biased.  I would only listen to boy groups.  Not only because they are easy on the eyes, but they are easier on the ears.  I've tried to listen to girl groups but always see myself stabbing my eardrums because they all sound the same.  Now I do like a song here and there from certain girl groups due to the catchy beats that tend to match/override their singing, but I have yet to find a girl group with the potential to keep me as a fan...that is until now.

I have read a great share about 2NE1 over a few weeks but I have not heard any of their music.  So when the buzz about their comeback was out, I was excited to hear their sound.

Let's take a look/listen:

I enjoyed the vocals.  I actually preferred ballads over the more upbeat songs by the female singers.  In any event this was a ballad about heartbreak (actually it is the denial that the heart is even broken but in reality it is).  Each woman brought it to the table and dealt it. There was this big thing about the leader, CL, taking one for the team and go sky clad for the video.  Given how this world is nowadays I did not know what to expect.  Well, she was naked, but it was tastefully done (much to the disappointment of many of the men, she hid all of her naughty bits).  Marketing genius...

The fashion in this video was great...not your typical mini-skirt matching girl group.  The display of their individuality was greatly shown through their style.  If I would choose which style closely matches my personal style, it would be both Minzy's and CL's (the bottom pictures).

So...2NE1 did not disappoint me.  I watched the video from start to finish and I will definitely be looking forward to more of 2NE1(and getting to know them better) from now on.  I will also be looking at their past work.   I think I may have a female group bias...we shall see.

In other news, I will be doing some catching up on some Kpop news and give you my take on it.

So what did you think of 2NE1's Missing You video?  Let me know.

Until next time... 

Follow me on Twitter @kpopcougar

I am on Twitter...yay!!!

Greetings to you.

I am happy to announce that I am on Twitter.  

You can follow me @kpopcougar.

I am still working on a Facebook, Tumblr and Google+ page.  I will let you know when those are completed.

Trying not to get overwhelmed with all of this social at a time.

Thanks for your patience.

Until nextime.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

An M/V Review: Voodoo Doll, By VIXX

Greetings to you. guys are continuing to impress me.  I will admit I only know of 2 of their songs (G.R.8.U and Only U).  Yesterday they released their latest video and title track to their 1st Album, Voodoo (well, the title of the song is Voodoo Doll).  I really enjoyed this video.

Let's take a look/listen:

This video started out a bit gory, with one of the members being cut open...then the dance begins.  Without doing a play by play, the video showcases a girl who has the VIXX guys captive and are torturing them and ultimately making them into voodoo dolls.  They have showcased a side of VIXX that is far from the cute and handsome I have seen in the previous 2 videos (they are still cute and handsome, but in a dark and mysterious way...very sexy).  It is pretty refreshing because I like when a group switch it up, making fangirls (and some fanboys) heart faint...thus making them a versatile group.  I have a thing for versatility...

Did I mention their dancing was kick-ass?  No...well it was.

I like the black hair on is a good look that gives them an edge.  The goth outfits looks wonderful on them (I am a fan of Goth fashion), which compliments the hair and brings their handsome faces out .  If they were made up just a bit paler they would have really captured the Goth look (they maybe wasn't going for that...I'm just saying)...

I am still getting acquainted with VIXX, so at this time I do not have a bias.  I can tell you that I am taking a closer look at Leo, Ravi and Ken.

VIXX...I love this video...I was not scared though, but that is okay.  I will continue to take care of you as long as you continue to impress me with your talented voices and cute faces.  I will look at all their videos prior to G.R.8.U. other news...

There is a great deal of buzz about 2NE1's comeback.  Now I have never heard their music (don't beat me up...I am a re-newbie) this comeback is a great opportunity for me to be introduced.  With that said there will be a review of 2NE1's comeback song, Missing You, tomorrow.

So what do you thing of VIXX's Voodoo Doll?  Let me know.

Until next time. 

An M/V Review: Doom Dada, By T.O.P

Greetings To you.
Courtesy of

"I'm a 21st century, extraordinary Korean."
                                                  ~T.O.P, Doom Dada my Big Bang bias.  He is FINE AS HELL.  I was pretty elated to see that he came out with a new single.  I am not sure how long it was since his last one, but it seem to have been a long time.  Anyway, this past Saturday he released the music video for his new single, Doom Dada.

Take a look/listen...

I will not go into too much detail, but if I can describe this video in two words, it will be "Artistically Obscure".  The beginning of the video looked like the opening to just about every Spaghetti Western movie in existence.  Then it got a little strange from there on was brilliant.  I say that because it got the viewer glued to the very end to see what happens next. It had various themes, from the aforementioned Spaghetti Western, to Evolution, to being a vampire...then there is that big-headed baby... Oki doki.  

The song itself is great...he is letting everyone know that he is back on the scene...and I am glad he is back.  Don't sleep on his talent...

...And you can't deny how hot he is...Good Lawd!

Courtesy of

Courtesy of fan

In other news, VIXX has released a new single and mini album titled, "Voodoo Doll".  The video is on Youtube now.  I will do a review on it later today.

What do you think of T.O.P's Doom Dada...both the song and video?  Let me know.

Until next time.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

My Intro...And Why Is Bang Yong Guk Making Me Feel Some Kind Of Way??? WHY?!?

Greetings to you.

I wish for this blog is to entertain the reader with my thoughts and feels about Kpop.  Though I have only been re-acquainting myself with Kpop for about 4.5 months, a vast love for the music have developed.  I am still lacking somewhat in knowing the ins and outs, the terminologies and slang and who everyone is (though I have a few favorite groups and singers under my belt) I am open to learn from my experienced readers.  I welcome all recommendations and positive comments and I will in return answer any questions you may have.

For more about me...just click on the "Who is The Kpop Cougar?" tab above.

Now that the formalities are done...let's get started.

Courtesy of bias trying to kill me with their manliness.

They are releasing their 2014 Seasons Greetings Package Friday.  The package include:

  • 1. Table Calendar : 313mm *223cm (28 pages)
  • 2. Hard Cover Scheduler : 150mm * 115mm (128 pages)
  • 3. Postcard - 7 sheets
  • 4. Sticker - 1 sheet
  • 5. Poster Calendar
  • 6. Package Box SIZE : 318mm X 236mm
Last week TS Entertainment, the group's label, released a preview of the package.  According to an article on, The label states the concept of the limited edition package:

“The Season’s Greeting is B.A.P asking the fans to join them as the group awaits everything that will happen in 2014...with the concept of 24 hours, you’ll be able to see different sides to the B.A.P members and get the feeling that the members are always with you."

Courtesy of

Zelo...looking adorable as ever...

Courtesy of
Bang Yong B.A.P bias...why are you doing this to me?

Courtesy of

...And though this is very nice and great on the eyes, I find this pic to be his sexiest pic...

Courtesy of


Needless to say, I have pre-ordered a copy.  I should order another one...I just might.

You can pre-order your copy from the following sites:
It should arrive just in time for Christmas (if you live in the U.S.).  That is fine with me for I can wait with baited breath.  I look forward to the other 22 hours the other members have to offer.  

By the B.A.P starts their Japanese Tour, called the Warrior Begins Tour.  Best wishes to them on all of their performances.

It is crazy how much I "admire" this group.  I will be talking about B.A.P a great deal in the future.

Until next time.